Aquatic Invasive Species

The PEI Aquaculture Alliance has produced a number of informative pamphlets and posters on Aquatic Invasive Species (AIS). These are great resources and learning materials for your teams that are readily available for download here:

AIS Booklet

AIS Binder (Bilingual)

What to Watch For! Mini Poster

Harbour / Slipway Sign

AIS Posters

National Invasive Species Clean Drain Dry Program



Help Stop The Spread Of Aquatic Invasive Species
Aquatic Invasive Species (AIS) are non-native animal or plant species outside their traditional range that have the ability to survive and establish a lasting population with an undesirable result. AIS show rapid population growth in the absence of natural predators and soon become established to the point where eradication is impossible.

Aquatic invasive species and aquatic diseases can be introduced through human activities, attached to boat hulls, in ballast waters or through deliberate introductions such as the incorrect disposal of live bait, aquariums or food waste.

The best approach for protecting our waters from these invaders is to keep them out in the first place, and to do this, everyone’s cooperation is essential.

Ways everyone can help prevent the introduction and spread of invasive species
  • Never move aquatic organisms from one area to another
  • Never put shellfish you buy or shells, seaweed and driftwood collected from the beach back into the ocean
  • Never release live bait, aquarium fish, shellfish or plants into open water or sewer.
  • Diving and other water sports; rinse equipment with fresh water after every trip, let equipment dry completely

Before moving a boat from one area to another inspect it thoroughly and complete the following checklist:

  • Drain water from your motor, bilge, and wells. If possible let equipment dry completely
  • Remove any plants or animals. Dispose of on land as per normal compost
  • Wash boat, anchor, trailer and other equipment with fresh water and/or spray with undiluted vinegar (take proper safety precautions)
  • Use an environment friendly anti-fouling product to reduce settlement on the hull. Remember to maintain as per manufacturers’ instructions
What should I do if I find suspected AIS?
  1. Check to see if you can identify the animal / plant
  2. If you can, take a picture, record the date and location, and in what environment you found it, for example on an buoy, on a rope, or on the shoreline
  3. If possible, record the GPS coordinates of the location or mark the site (e.g. with a buoy) to identify the area
  4. Report the sighting to one of the contacts below

Department of Fisheries and Oceans, 1-866-759-6600,
PEI Aquaculture Alliance, 902-368-2757,